Thursday, May 5, 2011

Life is too short. Break it down!

How many of you throw the saying around, 'life it too short'? Like me, I imagine most of you. But I have taken a new direction, and if you break it down, word by word, meaning by meaning, it really sums up everything we're put on this earth to do. 

After thinking hard about it, really hard, so hard that I have now analysed every letter, it's got me thinking...

Why do we get upset over every little discrepancy? Why do we dwell on minor things? Why do we fight with people just like you and me? Why does jealousy and hatred exist? Why do we work, if we can't enjoy it one day? Why do we set ourself up for disappointment? Why do we set goals that are impossible to achieve? Why not set smaller goals? Why does life throw us some horrible things? 
I could go on...but why, life is too short. Break it down. 

Just living is not enough, because the purpose of life is a life of purpose. If you wake every morning and are torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world...then you have got it all wrong. If you're alive, your mission on earth isn't finished. So break free from the books, smile every day, go with your gut instincts, love yourself before someone else can love you, and do something drastic, even if it means you'll be sad at the end - because really, life is too short. Break it down. 

Everything happens for a reason. If you get the chance, do it. Go with it. Be the person you've always wanted to be. Spread your wings. If it changes your life...let it. Remember these words. LIFE IS TOO SHORT. BREAK IT DOWN!!!!

All images above from We Heart It

I'm about to spread my wings,and I'm happy! Ashleigh Lalor 7/5/11

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